SSGC Guarantee
The SSGC Guarantee is subject to terms, conditions, guidelines and limitations specified and as outlined below. The SSGC Guarantee applies only to coins, tokens or metals that are encapsulated in a SSGC coin holder that are guaranteed to be Genuine and authenticated by SSGC.
Guarantee: Conditions, Guidelines, Limitations, Terms
The owner of a SSGC certified coin encapsulated by SSGC that has beliefs the coin is over-graded or not genuine shall submit the coin to SSGC for “Coin for Review”. Non- members or SSGC members may submit a “Coin for Review”.
Supporting documentation including receipts will be required to submit a “Coin for Review”.
SSGC in all cases (Coin for Review) presented to SSGC shall treat each claim with fairness and a reasonable remedy as seen by SSGC. In the event the customer is not satisfied, the Coin shall be returned to the owner at the owner’s expense.
In the event a capsule is deemed tampered with and/or not genuine or deemed not the original coin of authentication, the coin shall be removed from the capsule and returned to the owner at the owner’s expense.
The owner of a SSGC coin shall be required to provide additional information for a claim. Transaction history of a particular coin may be requested by SSGC which may include date purchased, purchase price, the seller and the transaction amount. In the event the owner neglects to provide requested information, non-compliance or lack of cooperation to comply with requested information constitutes a failure of an essential condition to this Guarantee and will result that the coin is excluded from this Guarantee.
The Owner shall, at SSGC’s request, cooperate fully with any insurance investigation or claim adjustment process. The Owner shall recognize that a refusal to cooperate will result in the coin’s exclusion from this Guarantee.
SSGC Guarantee does not apply to coins that have been removed from a SSGC holder. In the event the SSGC holder containing a coin has been damaged, unsealed, tampered or altered with, SSGC shall determine whether this has occurred and shall be at the sole reasonable discretion of SSGC. This Guarantee does not apply to any counterfeit or tampered SSGC holders.
In the event SSGC determines that a coin submitted “Coin for Review” has a lower grade than originally assigned due to the direct result of the SSGC holder having been exposed to extreme temperature, abuse, alteration or improper storage conditions, moisture, environmental conditions that may damage, excessive light, excessive motion or vibration and any other extreme conditions or any other negligence determined by SSGC of the holder that is capable of affecting the condition of the graded coin shall be deemed a condition for exclusion of this guarantee.
The SSGC Guarantee does not apply to coins of certain alloys where the appearance of the coin changes or deteriorates over time after encapsulation. Environmental change to alloys or deterioration is deemed responsible for any discrepancy between the assigned grade and the actual grade at time of coins authentication. SSGC shall make the sole reasonable decision as to whether this type of deterioration has occurred.
Certain coins, natural environmental deterioration damage may cause undesired features to appear on a coins surface undetected at time of grading, such as patina, carbon and Sulphur spotting, hazing, PVC (Poly vinyl chloride) damage and corrosion. Spots/water marks, can occur on modern coins as a result of the minting process or other natural conditions over which SSGC has no control. The SSGC Guarantee does not apply to any coins that exhibit any of these issues.
Brass, bronze, copper and copper plated coins may change in appearance over time. Coins that are encapsulated containing such alloys may be subject to change with age and the SSGC Guarantee does not apply after date of encapsulation.
Coins received by SSGC that minting process includes enameled, colorized, painted, hologram applied or jeweled may chip or flake due to the minting process. Minting methods used vary according to application. Applications such as enameled to hold color in place or a coin that is lacquered. Jeweled, painted, colorized, painted, hologram, coins prior to and during grading may lose some of these features even with proper handling. Features may be lost before or during and after grading and encapsulation, lose all or some of these additive features. Coins with such additive features may chip, flake, or become dislodged in transit to or from SSGC. SSGC has no control over minting process of such coins, or other natural conditions which may cause these coins to flake or chip. SSGC will not guarantee a coin with additive features will retain their full mint-applied aspects or their assigned grade at time of encapsulation.
SSGC Guarantee does not apply to Ancient coins that may suffer from “bronze disease” which is an irreversible condition of corrosion which may not be detected at time of grading and encapsulation. Coins submitted with such symptoms will not be encapsulated.
In the event it is proven that a clerical error occurs where the incorrect description appears on the label and does not correspond with coin encapsulated shall be cause for “Coin for Review”. Upon request, labels with clerical or mechanical errors will be up-dated free of charge at SSGC’s sole discretion. In the event a particular error or variety is no longer recognized shall be excluded from the guarantee. Shall a new error or variety be recognized after encapsulation date is subject to a fee to be re-graded to confirm variety or error.
Certification labels that have content of incorrect, date, mintmark, coin denomination or type are clerical errors and considered obvious upon inspection and shall be subject to a “Coin for Review” claim.
Prospective buyers or owners of a SSGC encapsulated coin may verify the certification number under SSGC Registry in order to confirm coins grade, description and images of the encapsulated coin.
SSGC registry is subject to change without notice. The guarantee does not cover status of the coin after encapsulation date. The registry identifies the coins condition and status at time of encapsulation and is not guaranteed that the status of the coin will remain of the same status due to environmental damages or neglect of the owner.
In the event SSGC informs an owner that a coin is not genuine, clerical label error, authentication label found not to be genuine it shall be the onus and duty of the owner to immediately return the coin to SSGC. Shall the owner not immediately return the coin upon such notice this guarantee is null and void. Shall the owner ignore the notification and pursue to sell the coin, transfer ownership or trade the coin instead of returning the coin to SSGC the, owner may be subject to legal recourse and may be liable to the buyer for fraud.
SSGC strongly encourages owners and buyers to research the certification number on the registry on SSGC website to confirm any notifications of possible errors or contact SSGC directly.